Sonja Francis is a certified Astrologer and Life/Relationship Coach. Her passion is connecting with people and helping them transform their lives; this led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of astrology. She currently serves dozens of clients across several continents via videochat and phone.
Sonja has been interviewed for her astrological insight on several internet radio shows, and has written several articles for the NCGR Quarterly Journal, The Ingress. In addition, she was the host of her own (fully sponsored) astrology show on BiteSizeTV until 2013. She is currently in the process of writing her first book, and sharing her online Soul-Based Astrology curriculum.
Sonja has also created her own online community, a daily support system that helps individuals all over the world with their personal evolution and soul’s journey. To find out more about Sonja’s services and offers, you can visit her website at https://www.AstrologerCoach.com. She can be reached directly via text at 917-740-4203, or by email at info@astrologercoach.com.
Healing the Wounded Masculine: Chiron in Aries — a Holistic Approach to How We Show up in the World
We are all trying to do our best to show up as whole beings in the world. However, our conditioning is so focused on the masculine (doing, achieving, asserting) approach that we are having a hard time being ourselves completely. As we balance our approach and integrate the feminine (allowing, receiving, nurturing), we are more capable to connect on a holistic level to ourselves: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Chiron in Aries shows us where we need to take this holistic approach in our lives and embrace ourselves fully and completely (including our insecurities, our pain, our shame — in other words: our humanity).