Rod Suskin: Astrology for Authentic Spiritual Guidance

Rod Suskin

Rod Suskin is South Africa’s best-known astrologer and has regular radio and TV slots there and has written columns and articles for many major publications including two of the biggest daily newspapers.  Studying astrology since childhood, he has practiced professionally since 1989 and teaches a three-year online diploma course, based firmly in the traditional practice but aimed towards the 21st century astrologer.

Rod was initiated as a traditional African shaman in 1982. He is the author of a number of books on spiritual life as well as the Llewellyn astrology books Cycles of Life and Synastry. He also contributes regularly to a variety of publications in South Africa and was commissioned to write about the national chart for the official parliamentary newspaper. He recently achieved an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales and for the last four years has had his own show “Rod Suskin’s World” on national TV where he makes astrological forecasts and discusses a variety of spiritual topics. 

Rod can be reached at and

Astrology for Authentic Spiritual Guidance

Many people come to astrologers in need of guidance on deeper spiritual matters, as well as in choosing spiritual paths. They often end up getting guidance pertinent to the astrologer’s world or belief system, or some form of guidance which is actually not directly related to astrology.

This lecture shows astrologers how to use traditional and modern methods that are strictly from the chart and from the theoretical basis of astrology alone, and to use such methods to provide authentic, practical guidance to improving spiritual life.

The astrologer can confidently offer the advice based on sound astrology without requiring knowledge or input from other spiritual beliefs or systems, and the client can confidently seek help without the concern as to whether the astrologer follows the same spiritual paradigms as themselves.

This lecture is appropriate for beginner through advanced students.